Sunday, January 23, 2011

Come Ye Sinners, Poor And Needy

  1. {Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
    Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
    Jesus ready stands to save you,
    Full of pity, love and pow’r.
    • Refrain:
      I will arise and go to Jesus,
      He will embrace me in His arms;
      In the arms of my dear Savior,
      Oh, there are ten thousand charms.
  2. Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome,
    God’s free bounty glorify;
    True belief and true repentance,
    Every grace that brings you nigh.
  3. Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
    Lost and ruined by the fall;
    If you tarry till you’re better,
    You will never come at all.
  4. View Him prostrate in the garden;
    On the ground your Maker lies;
    On the bloody tree behold Him;
    Sinner, will this not suffice?
  5. Lo! th’ incarnate God ascended,
    Pleads the merit of His blood:
    Venture on Him, venture wholly,
    Let no other trust intrude.
  6. Let not conscience make you linger,
    Not of fitness fondly dream;
    All the fitness He requireth
    Is to feel your need of Him.
    Joseph Hart, pub.1759}

this song is the inspiration for this blog of mine. as i was standing, worshiping, singing at church one sunday, i began to really hear &read the lyrics. both, beautiful &convicting i realized just how charmed a life in &with JESUS CHRIST is, &similarly how much i take it for granted! it got me really excited; "Jesus ready stands to save [me], Full of pity, love and pow’r....He will embrace me in His arms; In the arms of my dear Savior, Oh, there are ten thousand charms.", i mean how is that for a promise!? i even got distracted, from singing, because i started trying to count 10,000charms...&that is when i realized how ungrateful i can be, or rather, how ungrateful i am. i rarely give praise where praise is due &yet my Savior stands, graciously &patiently, ready to forgive and embrace me!

the sole purpose of this blog is to praise the LORD for the all the blessings He so willingly grants. i plan to record [at least] one charm a day [though i may do a collection of charms at the end of each week so as not to bombard the blogosphere...i'm still not too sure]. the details are not important to me so much as i continue to use this as a facilitator in my quest to bring an acceptable form of praise and worship to my King.

my prayer is that i will be able to better grasp His teachings &nature; articulate my thoughts &praise; edify &encourage others[as well as be encouraged myself]; &ultimately bring glory to Him! i must decrease--HE must increase! i want to "arise and go to Jesus,...[to] Venture on Him, venture wholly, [to] Let no other trust intrude. [to] Let not conscience make [me] linger, Not of fitness fondly dream; [because] All the fitness He requireth Is to feel [my] need of Him."

xoxo. grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.[eph. 6:24]

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